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==Mass tagging==
==Mass tagging==
* Mass tagging works only if each library album contain the original number of CDs and each CD contains the original number of tracks - none missing, none extra. Improvement is planned.
* The procedure works only if each library album contains all and only its CDs and each CD contains all and only its tracks - none missing, none extra. Improvement is planned.


<ul><li> The CD folder name and track filename must contain the items shown in bold:<br>
<ul><li>Each track filename must start with the track number.</li>
<tt><anything>\40 Grandes Exitos  [CD'''1'''] ['''08427328020473''']\'''01''' Vida mia.mp3</tt><br>
<li>Tracks must be in a folder the name of which:<ul><li>contains the album barcode number (at any position)</li><li>for multi-CD albums, contains the CD number at the same position for each album.</li></ul>
<li><tt>'''1'''</tt> - (for multi-CD albums only) the CD number in the folder name, at the same position for all CDs in each album.</li>
<tt>El rey del compas (1941-1943) '''0828766933420'''\'''01''' El rey del compás.mp3</tt><br>
<li><tt>'''08427328020473'''</tt> - the album barcode number anywhere in the folder name.</li>
<tt>40 Grandes Exitos  [CD'''1'''] ['''8427328146067''']\'''01''' Patotero sentimental.mp3</tt><br>
<li><tt>'''01'''</tt> - the track number at the start of the filename.</li></ul>
<tt>40 Grandes Exitos  [CD'''2'''] ['''8427328146067''']\'''01''' Porteño y bailarín.mp3</tt><br></li>
<li>Each CD folder must contains no audio files apart from the CD tracks themselves.</li></ul>
<li>The folders to be tagged must contain no audio files apart from the album tracks themselves.</li></ul>

=== Step 1 - set up Mp3tag===
=== Step 1 - set up Mp3tag===

Revision as of 2007-11-07T13:38:16


How to tag your music files from tango.info data

This is a procedure for filling the tags of your music file library with metadata (track name, artist etc.) from tango.info. (To copy your CDs to such music files, see rip a CD.)


  • barcode number - the 12, 13 or 14-digit number (without spaces or dashes) shown under the barcode on the back cover of the album's case, or on the album's tango.info page e.g. 8427328130431.
  • solo tagging - does one album at a time
  • mass tagging - does multiple albums (e.g. your whole library) in one go.


The tags filled are:

  • Album (title), mass tagging only: Side (a.k.a. Disc Number, Set) (Note: Album Artist not included)
  • (of track:) Title, Track (number), Artist, Genre, Year

Note: The Artist value is a comma-separated list of first primary artist name(s) (e.g. orchestra leader), and then secondary artist name(s) in alphabetic order of (full) name.

Solo tagging


  • Solo tagging works only for single-CD albums - for multi-CD albums, instead use mass tagging.


  • Your album's track files are in one folder containing no additional audio files.
  • Track filenames begin with the track number and these numbers are the same length e.g. 01,02,...10 (not 1,2,...10).

Step 1 - set up Mp3tag

If you haven't already done so

  1. Download the (free of charge) Mp3tag program V2.39c or later here, and install.

Step 2 - Retrieve tag data

  • If you have the album's barcode number:
  1. Go to http://tools.tango.info/tagging.php.
  2. Enter the barcode number into the (unlabelled) text input box and click Submit.
  • Else (you do not have the barcode number):
  1. Go to http://eng.tango.info, enter album's title or artist name and click search (you'll get a list of matching albums listed under CDs).
  2. Identify your album, checking title and artist name, and click on it (you'll get the tango.info album page).
  3. Check that album page's track quantity agrees with your album's files. If it doesn't, you probably mis-identified the album.
  4. Click on the link in the top left of that page labelled tools.tango.info/tagging.

You've retrieved the tag lines for your tracks.

Step 3 - Save the tag data

  1. Identify the tag list - from the previous step it is all lines between (not including) the last two horizontal rules, but excluding any final line(s) starting with not found:Array ( ) (these can be safely ignored)
  2. Select all lines in the tag list, then right click and Copy to the clipboard.
  3. Launch Notepad and into it Paste the clipboard.
  4. Save under the filename c:\temp.txt.

You've saved the tag lines for your tracks.

Step 4 - Put the tag data into your track files

  1. Launch mp3tag.
  2. Click File | Change directory... and select your album folder.
  3. In the tracklist heading, click on Title then Filename (you'll get the track list ordered by ascending track number).
  4. Click Edit | Select all files.
  5. Click Convert | Text file - Tag (you'll get the Text file - Tag dialog box).
  6. In Filename: enter c:\temp.txt.
  7. In Format string enter
  8. Click OK.

You've put the tag data into your track files. Mp3tag shows you the result.

Mass tagging


  • The procedure works only if each library album contains all and only its CDs and each CD contains all and only its tracks - none missing, none extra. Improvement is planned.


  • Each track filename must start with the track number.
  • Tracks must be in a folder the name of which:
    • contains the album barcode number (at any position)
    • for multi-CD albums, contains the CD number at the same position for each album.
  • Examples:
    El rey del compas (1941-1943) 0828766933420\01 El rey del compás.mp3
    40 Grandes Exitos [CD1] [8427328146067]\01 Patotero sentimental.mp3
    40 Grandes Exitos [CD2] [8427328146067]\01 Porteño y bailarín.mp3
  • The folders to be tagged must contain no audio files apart from the album tracks themselves.

Step 1 - set up Mp3tag

If you haven't already done so

  1. Download the (free of charge) Mp3tag program V2.39c or later here, and install.
  2. Launch Mp3tag.
  3. Right-click the tracklist heading, and click Customize columns... (you'll get the Columns dialog box).
  4. Click the starred page icon (you'll get an entry for a new column).
  5. In Name type
  6. Copy the following line (taking care to include the entire length - it ends with ) ):
    $regexp($regexp(:%_directory%,^.*?('[''[':digit:']'']'{12,14}).*$,\1),:.*,no barcode number found in folder name)-:%_directory%:-$regexp($num($regexp(%_filename%:,^('[''[':digit:']'']'+).*$,\1),4),^0000$,no track number found at start of file name)
    and Paste into both Value and Sort by.
  7. Click OK (you'll get a ti3 column appear in the track list).
  8. Click File | Export (you'll get the Export dialog box).
  9. Click the starred page icon, type
    and click OK (you'll get the new export config file ti3.mte open in (by default) Notepad).
  10. Delete all lines, Copy the following lines (taking care to include the full length of the first - it ends with 1 - and to preserve the line break):
    and Paste them into Notepad.
  11. Save the file.

Step 2 - Retrieve tag data

  1. Launch mp3tag.
  2. Click File | Change directory... and select the folder containing your albums. You may then add further albums using File | Add directory...
  3. Click File | Export (you'll get an Export dialog box).
  4. Select ti3.
  5. In Export file name enter c:\temp.txt and click OK (you'll get a Display Export file now? dialog box).
  6. Click Yes (you'll get (by default) a Notepad window listing your albums' barcode numbers).
  7. Copy all lines to the clipboard.
  8. Go to http://tools.tango.info/tagging3.php.
  9. Paste into the (unlabelled) text input box and click Submit

You've retrieved the list of tag lines for your tracks.

Step 3 - Save the tag data

  1. Identify the tag list - from the previous step it is all lines between (not including) the last two horizontal rules, but excluding any final line(s) starting with not found:Array ( ) (these can be safely ignored)
  2. Select all lines in the tag list, then Copy to the clipboard.
  3. Return to the still open Notepad window, delete all contents, then Paste from the clipboard.
  4. IMPORTANT: check that the tag list contains lines for every album in your set. If it does not, tango.info didn't have tag data for this album - do not use this tag list (it risks mistagging of subsequent albums) but instead return to Mp3tag, delete all tracks of the missing albums, and repeats from step 3.2 above. (Improvement is planned.)
  5. Save (under the existing filename c:\temp.txt).

You've saved the tag lines for your tracks.

Step 4 - Put the tag data into your track files

  1. Return to mp3tag.
  2. In the tracklist heading, click on Title then ti3 (you'll get the tracks sorted by ascending barcode number, CD number and track number).
  3. Click Edit | Select all files.
  4. Click Convert | Text file - Tag.
  5. In Filename enter c:\temp.txt.
  6. In Format string enter
  7. Click OK. The files will be tagged.

You've put the tag data into your track files. Mp3tag shows you the result.