User:Batmiata/Tango Nazi

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Tango Nazis: those who have given themselves the authority to tell others what (and who) is good and bad about the tango scene - and who can behave quite viciously if provoked. These people have sucked life's orange and found it juiceless - and can't see past their own egos.

They often try to suck you into thier world of doom and gloom. You might find your self standing there, they walk up beside you and loudly exclaime how 'the music really sucks tonight', like you were talking to them and implying you agree. They might also talk about the teacher, and then try to lead a class of thier own in the class.

A tango Nazi will also drop names of people, espically if they have passed away. They will talk about a Tango Celebrity as though they have first hand knowledge, then you find out that the Tango Personality thinks they are a moron (please excuse me to the morons).

A favorite activity of the Tango Nazi is trying to teach your girlfriend how to dance 'right'. While tring to undermind your relationship by making you seem to be a moron. Or if you are the lady, the Tango Nazi tries to alienate you from everyone else.

Women seldom last if they are Tango Nazi's, they begin dancing and teaching (at milongas and at other peoples' classes) the ladies, the men shy away. They might say something stupid like "wow that felt like we were dancing to two differant songs", or look at you to finsh the dance in the last 3 bars of the song. They might ask you to dance the lesson during the practica, when in fact you were. The Tango Nazi Lady is never at a loss to say something sharp or unconfortable.

Tango Nazi, men and women alike, help you to feel unhappy, confused, unconfortable and Inadequate.

Just smile and back away slowly as not to set them off, don't argue with this one, just remember rule one and two of all martial arts:
1) Avoid
2) Escape (Run away - Run away)