
[search results]

Some searches are case-sensitive on some fields. Known exceptions (not exhaustive): Work name

Person (0)

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GraphicCommon name[name][gender][roles]ISNIIPIinfo

Verk (4)

[name]Alt. name(s)Kompositör[lyricist]GenreTIWC[track qty]info
Adiós, Nonino/La Yumba Astor Piazzolla, Osvaldo Pugliese Z0999909155 0 info
La yumba Osvaldo Pugliese - tango T0370249129 95 info
La yumba / Adiós, Nonino Osvaldo Pugliese, Astor Piazzolla - tango Z0999911518 0 info
Recuerdo, Adiós Bardi, La yumba (Osvaldo Pugliese, Orquesta Típica) tango Z0999901373 1 info

[product] (1)

Quantity of products with tracks: 1
GraphicType[name]ArtistCollectionCatalog numberTINPSide qty[track qty]info
img 03149024231629 CD La Yumba Osvaldo Pugliese Le chant du monde/The masters of Tango Les grandes figures 274 2316 03149024231629 1 25 info

[product collection] (0)

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Product collection nameProduct qtyinfo

[locality] (0)

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Mötesplats (1)

PlatsTi venue codeinfo
DE La Yumba DEHAM-YU info

Länk (0)

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Festival (0)

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Start date[name][locality]Statusinfo

[marathon] (0)

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Start date[name][locality]info