
[search results]

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Oseba (0)

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GraphicCommon name[name][gender][roles]ISNIIPIinfo

[work] (0)

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[name]Alt. name(s)[composer][lyricist][genre]TIWC[track qty]info

[product] (28)

Quantity of products with tracks: 3
GraphicType[name]ArtistCollectionCatalog numberTINPSide qty[track qty]info
img 00743216158720 CD Discos de oro del tango/RCA Club Various Artists ? 00743216158720 0 info
img 00743216155026 CD RCA Club Agustín Magaldi ? 00743216155026 0 info
img 00743216154623 CD RCA Club Alberto Morán ? 00743216154623 0 info
img 00743216560127 CD RCA Club Alfredo Gobbi ? 00743216560127 0 info
img 00743216559527 CD RCA Club Angel Vargas ? 00743216559527 0 info
img 00743216559428 CD RCA Club Aníbal Troilo ? 00743216559428 0 info
img 00743216154326 CD RCA Club Carlos Dante ? 00743216154326 0 info
img 00743216155422 CD RCA Club Carlos Gardel ? 00743216155422 0 info
img 00743216154920 CD RCA Club D'Agostino / Vargas ? 00743216154920 0 info
img 00743216560721 CD RCA Club Domingo Federico ? 00743216560721 0 info
img 00743216560028 CD RCA Club Edmundo Rivero ? 00743216560028 0 info
img 00743216158829 CD RCA Club Federico & Berlingieri ? 00743216158829 0 info
img 00743216153725 CD RCA Club Florindo Sassone ? 00743216153725 0 info
img 00743216153824 CD RCA Club Francisco Lomuto ? 00743216153824 1 14 info
img 00743216559022 CD RCA Club Horacio Salgán ? 00743216559022 0 info
img 00743216560646 CD RCA Club Hugo Del Carril ? 00743216560646 0 info
img 00743216158621 CD RCA Club Hugo Del Carril ? 00743216158621 1 13 info
img 00743216560523 CD RCA Club Juan D'Arienzo ? 00743216560523 0 info
img 00743216562527 CD RCA Club Libertad Lamarque ? 00743216562527 0 info
img 00743216155125 CD RCA Club Libertad Lamarque ? 00743216155125 0 info
img 00743216561926 CD RCA Club Marcos Bassi ? 00743216561926 0 info
img 00743216560929 CD RCA Club Nelly Omar ? 00743216560929 0 info
img 00743216560226 CD RCA Club Osmar Maderna ? 00743216560226 0 info
img 00743216154821 CD RCA Club Osvaldo Fresedo ? 00743216154821 0 info
img 00743216155323 CD RCA Club Ricardo Tanturi ? 00743216155323 0 info
img 00743216559121 CD RCA Club Sexteto Tango ? 00743216559121 0 info
img 00743216559329 CD RCA Club Tanturi / Campos ? 00743216559329 1 20 info
img 00743216562329 CD RCA Club Virginia Luque ? 00743216562329 0 info

[product collection] (1)

Product collection nameProduct qtyinfo
RCA Club 1 info

[locality] (0)

No results.

[venue] (0)

No results.
ProstorTi venue codeinfo

[link] (0)

No results.

Festival (0)

No results.
Start date[name][locality]Statusinfo

[marathon] (0)

No results.
Start date[name][locality]info