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GraphicCommon nameNomeSessoRuoliISNIIPIinfo

Opera (4)

NomeAlt. name(s)Compositore[lyricist]GenereTIWC[track qty]info
Color de barro Anselmo A. Aieta Cátulo Castillo tango T0370023974 8 info
De barro Sebastián Piana Homero Manzi tango T0370196863 20 info
Quijote de barro Paco Berón Oscar Vázquez T0371710610 0 info
Rosa de barro Mariano Mores Rodolfo M. Taboada T0370942269 0 info

Prodotto (1)

Quantity of products with tracks: 1
GraphicTypeNomeArtistCollectionCatalog numberTINPSide qty[track qty]info
img 00607001745727 CD De barro Roberto Goyeneche Epsa Music 00607001745727 1 13 info

Collezione di prodotti (0)

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[locality] (0)

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Luogho (0)

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Link (0)

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Festival (0)

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Maratona (0)

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