
[search results]

Some searches are case-sensitive on some fields. Known exceptions (not exhaustive): Work name

Persona (0)

No results.
No results? Try entering only the first OR last name.
GraphicCommon name[name][gender][roles]ISNIIPIinfo

[work] (3)

[name]Alt. name(s)Compositor[lyricist]GèneroTIWC[track qty]info
Por algo será Carlos Rivero Otello Enrique Elli tango T0370134078 5 info
Por algo será Abel Bedrune tango Z0999917774 0 info
Por algo será tango Z0999917037 0 info

[product] (1)

Quantity of products with tracks: 1
GraphicType[name]ArtistCollectionCatalog numberTINPSide qty[track qty]info
img 02480002700647 shellac || Por algo será RODOLFO A. BIAGI Odeon (Black & Gold Label) Odeon 5637 02480002700647 2 2 info

[product collection] (0)

No results.
Product collection nameProduct qtyinfo

[locality] (0)

No results.

Lloc (0)

No results.
LlocTi venue codeinfo

Link (0)

No results.

Festival (0)

No results.
Start date[name][locality]Statusinfo

Marató (0)

No results.
Start date[name][locality]info